
Ti-ReX – contract with NCN signed!

On April 18, 2024, a contract was signed between the Warsaw University of Technology and the National Science Center for the implementation of a grant entitled “Framework for smart condition reassessment of Reclaimed Timber to eXtend the service life of long-lived wood products with the use of non-destructive testing and automated data postprocessing”. The project was given the acronym Ti-ReX.

The key objectives of the Ti-ReX project are:

  • to identify a set of non-destructive tests (NDT) best suited for comprehensive and effective assessment of wood condition (i.e., density, stiffness, strength, fire resistance, moisture content, defects, fiber direction) that can be performed both in-situ and under laboratory conditions,
  • developing a procedure for post-processing NDT data to obtain the highest informative value and quantitative risk assessment,
  • testing the developed methodology on a real case study of the adaptation of a 5-story timber office building,
  • development of a quantitative closed-loop assessment based on the actual potential and life cycle assessment procedure for long-life wood products, including risk quantification for reuse and recycling/recovery.
  • Documentation and guidelines for reclaimed wood recertification as a basis for European standardization.

The implementation of the project is divided into four basic work packages, carried out jointly by partners from Finland, Spain, Latvia, Norway, Poland and Slovenia. Workpackages 1 and 3 focus on data acquisition through laboratory and field tests, while workpackages 2 and 4 focus on data handling, processing, systematization and adding value through data science and modeling based on both test results from workpackages 1 and 3, external literature sources, data mining, national data sources and systematic reviews.

The results of the ForestValue2 competition can be found on NSC page and on ForestValue2 Joint Call 2023 page.

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